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Miracle is other name of effort

Posts Tagged ‘kisi kisi’

Teknik Informatika (IT) Binus University

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November 26th, 2015 Posted 6:42 am

IT Binus University (Teknik Informatika Binus)

Hello guys, this time I want to Introduce you all my courses at 3rd Semester in IT major.
What am I studied?
There’s are 6 courses that I studied in this semester:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2. Character Building Religion (CB Agama)
3. Design and Analysis of Algorithm (Perancang dan Analisis Algoritma)
4. Computer Networks (Jaringan Komputer)
5. Database System (Sistem Basis Data)
6. Entrepreneurship 01

So begin today I will post my summary of all courses that important, so wait patiently! ^_^